CONGRATULATIONS! You have taken a big step in the fight against breast cancer. Did you know, one in eight women in the United States will face breast cancer in their lifetime? That is our moms, sisters, grandparents, and teammates. You can make a difference today by taking a few steps.
WE HOPE SUGGESTIONS HELP YOU GET STARTED ON THE PATH OF FUNDRAISING LAX FOR A CURE. Below are steps to get the ball rolling toward success.
- SIGN UP TO FUNDRAISE: Whether you start a new team, join an existing team, or register as an individual, we’re happy to have you! If you didn’t make a self-donation when you registered, make one now!
- SET A GOAL: Consider how much money you can raise and update your personal thermometer:
- How much can you self-donate to kick start your fundraising?
- Will you be hosting a fundraiser? How much will it raise?
- Who is in your circle of influence?
- How many people can you ask to make a $100 donation?
- $50 donation?
- $25 donation?
- $10 donation?
- Continuously monitor your goal. Close to reaching 100%? Consider increasing your goal further - people are more likely to give when they see they are helping you reach a goal.
- Share your goal! Let supporters know your efforts and how their donation will contribute to you reaching your goal. Share how close or far you are from reaching your goal.
- CHALLENGE: Challenge your teammates and their fundraising efforts. Make it a friendly competition. You can even create your own reward.
- FUNDRAISE: Set a fundraising goal and get to it. Signing in to your Fundraising Center and sending one of our pre-written e-mails is a great way to start.
You have two options to choose from: (1) Send email from within your Participant Center. Due to new system limitations, you’ll need to first self-donate or fundraise a minimum of $10 before OR (2) copy the email templates provided in the Participant Center into your personal email platform. Be sure to include your personal fundraising link, and send from there.
- GET SOCIAL: Connect your Fundraising Page to your Facebook and watch the donations roll in and encourage your teammates to do the same!
Fundraising Tips and Thought Starters
BY REGISTERING TO FUNDRAISE FOR LAX FOR A CURE you’ve become a leader in the fight to end breast cancer. It is crucial for you to know and share the importance and impact of fundraising.
- DONATE TO YOUR OWN PAGE. People who donate to their own fundraising efforts first raise more than those who don’t. Show potential donors you care by making the first donation!
- SET A GOAL. Friends and family are more likely to give if they see they’re helping you to achieve a goal. Also, once you reach that goal, you can always raise it!
- POWER OF TEN. Ask 10 friends to each donate $10. They’re likely to say yes and you’ll have raised $100 before you know it!
- CONNECT WITH FACEBOOK. Once you register, log in to your Fundraising Center and connect your account with your Facebook page. It’s a super easy way to connect your fundraising page with your Facebook friends and watch the dollars roll in.